UPDATE: The concept is confirmed working on Willys PlayBook and his Torch. See our Video on this post.

In this short article I want to show you my concept of tethering and the use BlackBerry Bridge while having full access to BlackBerry services and your carrier network at the same time.

As you probably know you can use it both together on your GSM BlackBerry but actual devices refuse the BlackBerry connection (BIS/BES) while tethering. That’s because a special setting was added in OS 5. It is called „IP Modem Solo Mode“. If it is enabled (on default, it is enabled) your BlackBerry will close your BlackBerry services connection once you are attempting to create a tethered connection. So my concept of a workaround for the use on the PlayBook is to disable this setting using the engineering screen menu.

If „IP Modem Solo Mode“ is enabled your Tunnel connection screen while tethering will look like this:


If „IP Modem Solo Mode“ is disabled your Tunnel connection screen while tethering will look like this:


Both connection are used.

You can find the setting via „Multi-WAF Engineering Screens“ -> „Tunnel Engineering Screen“. To get the engineering screen, just google for it. 😉

This is just an idea of how to enjoy both connections on your PlayBook at the same. Because our developer PlayBook is not shipped we cannot proof the concept but we would like to see some comments if it works.